About Us

KRASK TELECOM, is  a Subsidiary BPa8  OOD Ltd Bulgaria.

Krask Telecom project has been created to service the growing demand and requests being placed upon us to assist and provide VoIP Terminations to specific clients, globally.

Our Aim is "to provide Global Connectivity in VoIP Terminations ".

Our growth in network  connects has been significant and based upon indicative volume, we have already exceeded availability of the Million minutes per day mark, in multiple countries.

Out Routing is simple, but yet deliverable.  We respond to Customer Demand and endeavour to reach end destination. With defined  and excellent VoIP Termination rates, you Will be hard pressed to find better. So why not contact us for more information:
sales@krasktelecom.com  or
click here !

CRC Mission
The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) implements the state sector policy in the field of telecommunications and postal services. CRC is a specialized independent state authority, entrusted with the functions of regulation and control over the carrying out of the electronic communications. In the context of equity and transparency and in compliance with the Bulgarian legislation, CRC strives to promote the competition of the telecommunications markets in the country. The national regulator proceeds, aiming at the increase of the sector investments, the new communications technologies’ development and the protection of the end-users in Bulgaria